

[Medi+English] No More Raw Oysters for Me!

생굴은 이제 그만!

  • 입력 2003.07.01 00:00
  • 기자명 emddaily
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(Jackie and Brad are talking about food poisoning1).) M: Hello Jackie. I didn't see you around the office yesterday. Where were you?W: Oh, hi Brad. I was sick in bed2) all day.M: Really? You didn't come down with3)a case of the flu, did you?W: I thought that was the problem, too. But the doctor diagnosed it as food poisoning. M: Oh, that's terrible. I hope you're all right.W: Well, I'm getting better, but I'm still not 100%.M: So did you just run a fever4), or what?W: Yes, I had a fever. But I was also up half the night with a nasty headache and nausea5).M: Ooh, you must have been miserable! What made you sick, do you know?W: The doctor thinks I picked up a bug6) when I ate those oysters for lunch yesterday.M: You know, I've heard you're not supposed to7) eat oysters in months that don't contain8) the letter ‘r.’W: That's an old wives' tale9)! You can get food poising any month of the year.M: But what can I do to prevent10) it?W: The doctor said to keep the preparation area clean and cook foods well. No more raw oysters for me!(재키와 브래드가 식중독에 대해 이야기하고 있다.)M: 안녕, 재키. 어제 사무실에서 안 보이더라. 어디 갔었어?W: 안녕, 브래드. 어제 하루 종일 아파서 누워있었어.M: 정말? 무슨 독감이라도 걸린 거야? 그래?W: 나도 그런 줄 알았거든. 그런데 의사 말로는 식중독이래.M: 저런, 안 됐다. 지금은 괜찮니?W: 점점 나아지고 있는데, 아직 완전히 회복되진 않았어.M: 열이 나고 그러는 거야, 어때?W: 응, 열도 나고, 끔찍한 두통에다가 구역질 때문에 잠도 제대로 못 잤어.M: 저런, 너무 힘들었겠다! 근데 원인이 뭔지는 알아?W: 의사 말로는 어제 점심에 생굴을 먹은 게 잘못된 것 같대.M: ‘r’이 들어가는 달에는 굴을 먹으면 좋지 않다는 얘기가 있잖아.W: 그거야 옛날 얘기지! 식중독은 아무 때나 걸릴 수 있는 거야.M: 식중독을 피하려면 어떻게 해야 하는데?W: 의사말로는 조리대를 청결히 유지하고 음식을 작 익혀 먹으면 된데. 난 이제 생굴은 절대 안 먹어!---------------------1) food poisoning 식중독2) be sick in bed 병이 나서 누워 있다3) come down with (병이) 들다ex. I think I'm coming down with the cold. 감기가 드는 것 같아4) run/have a fever 열이 나다5) nausea 구역질6) bug = a germ that causes an illness that is not very serious 병균, 세균7) be supposed to do ...해야 한다 ...하기로 되어 있다8) contain 포함하다9) an old wife's tale = a piece of advice or an idea which a lot of people believed in the past but which we now know is wrong. 어리석은 이야기, 미신10) prevent 예방하다